First database update: 2006-10-27 17:10:03 UTC
Last database update: 0 min :o)
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Release Name Release Date Protocol Changelog Entries
2.4.27 --- --- --- 10
2.4.26 Tanksgiving 2022-11-20 BZFS0221 7
2.4.24 Thank you for your input 2022-03-08 BZFS0221 5
2.4.22 Eyes are windows to your SDL 2021-02-27 BZFS0221 6
2.4.20 Do You See What I See? 2020-04-24 BZFS0221 31
2.4.18 Do You Hear What I Hear? 2018-10-18 BZFS0221 1
2.4.16 Reduce, Reuse, Replay 2018-09-23 BZFS0221 6
2.4.14 Hello Motto 2018-05-02 BZFS0221 25
2.4.12 Silence is Golden 2017-10-29 BZFS0221 22
2.4.10 This is How We Roll 2017-03-12 BZFS0221 13
2.4.8 Sixteen 2016-10-10 BZFS0221 9
2.4.6 Eight, Our Codebase is Overweight 2016-06-26 BZFS0221 13
2.4.4 Be My Valentank 2016-02-14 BZFS0221 109
2.4.2 Doomsday Edition 2012-07-28 BZFS0221 13
2.4.0 Wake the Dead 2011-07-03 BZFS0221 33
2.0.16 No Foolin' 2010-04-01 BZFS0026 12
2.0.14 This isn't the release you are looking for. 2010-02-15 BZFS0026 22
2.0.12 The release without a name. 2008-06-25 BZFS0026 22
2.0.10 Never Say Never 2007-11-16 BZFS0026 63
2.0.8 Oops, Happy Mother's Day 2006-05-13 BZFS0026 6
2.0.6 Good enough for now 2006-04-09 BZFS0026 29
2.0.4 Shiny 2005-09-30 BZFS0026 69
2.0.2 Queen of Maybe 2005-03-18 BZFS0026 42
2.0.0 Falcor's Despair 2005-01-17 BZFS0026 129
1.10.8 lightning strikes back - list server returns 2004-10-05 BZFS1910 3
1.10.6 the little hop 2004-05-14 BZFS1910 15
1.10.4 not a smurf 2004-01-24 BZFS1910 62
1.10.2 --- 2003-12-23 BZFS1910 27
1.10.0 - was 1.9.x Break the world 2003-12-09 BZFS1910 60
1.7g2 - was 1.7g1 Steely Eyed Banana 2003-06-17 BZFS107e 38
1.7g0 - was 1.7e7 Holy Dancing Monkeys 2002-12-08 BZFS107e 25
1.7e6 - was 1.7e5 Armoured Smashing Fist 2002-06-19 BZFS107e 46
1.7e4 - was 1.7e3 --- 2001-11-27 BZFS107e 35
1.7e2 --- 2001-04-17 BZFS107e 6
1.7e1 --- 2001-03-10 BZFS107e 24
1.7e - release 000 --- 2001-01-26 BZFS107e 16
1.7d - release 9 --- 2000-02-01 BZFS107d 3
1.7d - release 8 --- --- --- 7
1.7d - release 7 --- --- --- 13
1.7d - release 6 --- --- --- 12
1.7d - release 5 --- --- --- 16
1.7d - release 4 --- --- --- 7
1.7d - release 3 --- --- --- 9
1.7d - release 2 --- --- --- 3
1.7d - release 1 --- --- --- 5
1.7c - release 2 patch 3 --- 1999-06-13 BZFS107c 4
1.7c - release 2 patch 2 --- 1999-06-13 BZFS107c 1
1.7c - release 2 patch 1 --- 1999-06-13 BZFS107c 5
1.7c - release 2 --- 1999-06-13 BZFS107c 18
1.7c - release 1 --- --- --- 1
1.6 --- 1997-07-17 --- 0
1.5a --- 1997-03-27 --- 0

1.10.4 "not a smurf"
Release date: 2004-01-24
Protocol: BZFS1910
  Allow user to define quickMessages via the menu system
by: Frank Thilo
Defaults vars are written to config but commented out
by: Dave Brosius
Added -show and -hide options to bzadmin for messages
by: Lars Luthman
Added support for more message types to bzadmin
by: Ian Agar, Lars Luthman
Added menu w/ BZDB editor and playerlist to bzadmin curses UI
by: Lars Luthman
Can freeze tod in client, if allowed, via -time hh:mm:ss
by: Tupone Alfredo
Allow variable number team flags per team with +f bzfs option
by: Dave Brosius
Added private and team chat sounds
by: Sean Morrison
Specify a world file on the Start Server menu gui
by: Sean Morrison
Server sends warning to privmsg sender to an invalid target
by: Lars Luthman
Bots now fully handle collision check
by: Tupone Alfredo
-filterCallsigns filters email too now
by: Lars Luthman
Allow multiple team flags per team thru -c 5
by: Dave Brosius
-maxidle handles idle / paused players the same
by: Frank Thilo
Added optional density to generated maps
by: Sean Morrison, Frank Thilo
Add pause time to /idlestats
by: Sean Morrison
Notify players when reassigned to a different team on join
by: Sean Morrison
Allow multiple bases per team
by: Dave Brosius
Use cyan for observer messages in old console color mode
by: Frank Thilo
Config file based auto-identify
by: Tupone Alfredo, Sean Morrison, Frank Thilo
List Server checks ip of requesting server
by: Tupone Alfredo
AutoPilot does not base path on stealth echo anymore
by: Dave Brosius
Alt-Tab & resolution changes does not mess up the screen
by: Tupone Alfredo
No shooting allowed if OO flag is lost in a building
by: Tupone Alfredo
Killed player stop drifting & clean dirty tank pieces
by: Tupone Alfredo
Rabbit score changed and values displayed on HUD
by: Tupone Alfredo
Sound samples are resampled since bzflag doesn't
by: Tupone Alfredo
Unclean client disconnects are recognized earlier
by: Tupone Alfredo
Async communication between bzfs and list server
by: Tupone Alfredo
Added bzfs -rabbit option selection algorithm support
by: Nils McCarthy
Added the REQUIREIDENTIFY permission
by: Nils McCarthy
Added bzfs option to deny clients that do not identify
by: Nils McCarthy
Color carried team flags according to their team
by: Sean Morrison
Start of better spawn positions based on tanks
by: Dave Brosius
PNG image writing for screenshots
by: Daniel Remenak
Texture Manager only loads textures when needed
by: Jeff Myers
Renamed and reorganized texture resources
by: Jeff Myers
BZDB alternate image dir added
by: Jeff Myers
Improved transparent proxy support
by: Alfredo Tupone, Sean Morrison
Ground Texture Repeat added to BZDB, default increased to 0.1
by: Jeff Myers
Added ability to have and use per-team colored textures
by: Jeff Myers
Added support for colored and zoned ground textures
by: Jeff Myers
Hunter tanks try to use "hunter" texture if found
by: Jeff Myers
Hunter tanks are colored orange color if not using a texture
by: Jeff Myers
Menu uses its own image for the arrow, menu_arrow.png
by: Jeff Myers
Rename team based datafiles to have the team in the name
by: Jeff Myers
Map objects search for colored textures and use them if found
by: Jeff Myers
Bases search for colored team textures and use them if found
by: Jeff Myers
Added object-specified texture support for tanks & maps
by: Jeff Myers
Menu Arrow supports animations
by: Jeff Myers
Base wall and top textures
by: Jeff Myers
Hunter name used for kill, lock, and info messages
by: Jeff Myers
Increase resolution of textures to look better
by: Jeff Myers
Add experimental quality setting for enhanced effects
by: Jeff Myers
Tunf off tank LOD, and ground grid for experimental quality
by: Jeff Myers
Add sides to the body of the hightank model
by: Jeff Myers
Improve flag texture for high and experimental quality levels
by: Jeff Myers
Increase moon segments for exp. quality
by: Jeff Myers
Replace flag texture with one from pyBZFlag
by: Jeff Myers
Added ability to set flagpole width for exp. quality level
by: Jeff Myers
Don't do teleporter fog when roaming as an observer
by: Jeff Myers
Pull many world textures from pyBZFlag
by: Jeff Myers
load time: 0.0778 sec