1.10.4 "not a smurf" Veröffentlichung: 2004-01-24 Protokoll: BZFS1910 |
Turn off tank LOD, and ground grid for experimental quality
von: Jeff Myers
Allow user to define quickMessages via the menu system
von: Frank Thilo
Defaults vars are written to config but commented out
von: Dave Brosius
Added -show and -hide options to bzadmin for messages
von: Lars Luthman
Added support for more message types to bzadmin
von: Ian Agar, Lars Luthman
Added menu w/ BZDB editor and playerlist to bzadmin curses UI
von: Lars Luthman
Can freeze tod in client, if allowed, via -time hh:mm:ss
von: Tupone Alfredo
Allow variable number team flags per team with +f bzfs option
von: Dave Brosius
Added private and team chat sounds
von: Sean Morrison
Specify a world file on the Start Server menu gui
von: Sean Morrison
Server sends warning to privmsg sender to an invalid target
von: Lars Luthman
Bots now fully handle collision check
von: Tupone Alfredo
-filterCallsigns filters email too now
von: Lars Luthman
Allow multiple team flags per team thru -c 5
von: Dave Brosius
-maxidle handles idle / paused players the same
von: Frank Thilo
Added optional density to generated maps
von: Sean Morrison, Frank Thilo
Add pause time to /idlestats
von: Sean Morrison
Notify players when reassigned to a different team on join
von: Sean Morrison
Allow multiple bases per team
von: Dave Brosius
Use cyan for observer messages in old console color mode
von: Frank Thilo
Config file based auto-identify
von: Tupone Alfredo, Sean Morrison, Frank Thilo
List Server checks ip of requesting server
von: Tupone Alfredo
AutoPilot does not base path on stealth echo anymore
von: Dave Brosius
Alt-Tab & resolution changes does not mess up the screen
von: Tupone Alfredo
No shooting allowed if OO flag is lost in a building
von: Tupone Alfredo
Killed player stop drifting & clean dirty tank pieces
von: Tupone Alfredo
Rabbit score changed and values displayed on HUD
von: Tupone Alfredo
Sound samples are resampled since bzflag doesn't
von: Tupone Alfredo
Unclean client disconnects are recognized earlier
von: Tupone Alfredo
Async communication between bzfs and list server
von: Tupone Alfredo
Added bzfs -rabbit option selection algorithm support
von: Nils McCarthy
Added the REQUIREIDENTIFY permission
von: Nils McCarthy
Added bzfs option to deny clients that do not identify
von: Nils McCarthy
Color carried team flags according to their team
von: Sean Morrison
Start of better spawn positions based on tanks
von: Dave Brosius
PNG image writing for screenshots
von: Daniel Remenak
Texture Manager only loads textures when needed
von: Jeff Myers
Renamed and reorganized texture resources
von: Jeff Myers
BZDB alternate image dir added
von: Jeff Myers
Improved transparent proxy support
von: Alfredo Tupone, Sean Morrison
Ground Texture Repeat added to BZDB, default increased to 0.1
von: Jeff Myers
Added ability to have and use per-team colored textures
von: Jeff Myers
Added support for colored and zoned ground textures
von: Jeff Myers
Hunter tanks try to use "hunter" texture if found
von: Jeff Myers
Hunter tanks are colored orange color if not using a texture
von: Jeff Myers
Menu uses its own image for the arrow, menu_arrow.png
von: Jeff Myers
Rename team based datafiles to have the team in the name
von: Jeff Myers
Map objects search for colored textures and use them if found
von: Jeff Myers
Bases search for colored team textures and use them if found
von: Jeff Myers
Added object-specified texture support for tanks & maps
von: Jeff Myers
Menu Arrow supports animations
von: Jeff Myers
Base wall and top textures
von: Jeff Myers
Hunter name used for kill, lock, and info messages
von: Jeff Myers
Increase resolution of textures to look better
von: Jeff Myers
Add experimental quality setting for enhanced effects
von: Jeff Myers
Add sides to the body of the hightank model
von: Jeff Myers
Improve flag texture for high and experimental quality levels
von: Jeff Myers
Increase moon segments for exp. quality
von: Jeff Myers
Replace flag texture with one from pyBZFlag
von: Jeff Myers
Added ability to set flagpole width for exp. quality level
von: Jeff Myers
Don't do teleporter fog when roaming as an observer
von: Jeff Myers
Pull many world textures from pyBZFlag
von: Jeff Myers