First database update: 2006-10-27 17:10:03 UTC
Last database update: 1 min :o)
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This is an overview of my (so far) published 'BZFlag comic strips'. They are displayed in a descending order by creation date. If you have good ideas for new ones, please tell me. :o)

By the way: The more you know about BZFlag and it's players, the funnier and profounder these comics seem to be...*g*

BZFlag is...hmmm...COOL :D
BZFlag...not just a game... ;o)
Can you imagine that you have to play against a female, granny or gentleman tank?
(This idea came up when a player suggested adding a feature which allows each player to customize the own tank's look...funny idea, isn't it?)
You didn't heare(d) about the annoying discussion in the BZFlag community that started with the so called 'mouse enhancement cheat'? Lucky you...
BZcomic's only a game... ;o)
Home Sweet Home...
BZcomic comment... :o)
Never provoke a legend of history...because you can't forecast the consequences. ;o)
(A tribute to all the guys with non-creative nicks.)
My first comic with high-resolution screenshots. Ideas for new comic strips are very welcome.
I think that everyone could understand my intension referring to the comic's content.
Just a little joke...I am sure ak|ra/akira will forgive day. :o] - It was time for a new comic.
Just a little ghoulish joke...based on a cartoon by KNIGHT DESIGN ASSOCIATES
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