Syntax: |
-a <vel> <rot> |
Beschreibung: |
maximum acceleration settings |
Syntax: |
-adminlagannounce <time/ms> |
Beschreibung: |
lag announcement threshhold time [ms] |
Syntax: |
-admsg <text> |
Beschreibung: |
specify a <msg> which will be broadcast every 15 minutes |
Syntax: |
-advertise <group,group...> |
Beschreibung: |
specify which groups to advertise to (list server) |
Syntax: |
-autoteam |
Beschreibung: |
automatically assign players to teams when they join |
Syntax: |
-b |
Beschreibung: |
randomly oriented buildings |
Syntax: |
-badwords <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
bad-word file |
Syntax: |
-ban ip{,ip}* |
Beschreibung: |
ban players based on ip address |
Syntax: |
-banfile <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
specify a file to load and store the banlist in |
Syntax: |
-botsperip <num> |
Beschreibung: |
specify how many client-side bots are allowed per IP address |
Syntax: |
-c |
Beschreibung: |
classic capture-the-flag style game, |
Syntax: |
-cache <url prefix> |
Beschreibung: |
url to get binary formatted world |
Syntax: |
-cacheout <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
generate a binary cache file |
Syntax: |
-conf <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
configuration file |
Syntax: |
-cr |
Beschreibung: |
capture-the-flag style game with random world |
Syntax: |
-d |
Beschreibung: |
increase debugging level |
Syntax: |
-density <num> |
Beschreibung: |
specify building density for random worlds (default=5) |
Syntax: |
-disablebots |
Beschreibung: |
disallow clients from using autopilot or robots |
Syntax: |
+f {good|<id>} |
Beschreibung: |
always have flag <id> available |
Syntax: |
-f {bad|<id>} |
Beschreibung: |
never randomly generate flag <id> |
Syntax: |
-fb |
Beschreibung: |
allow flags on box buildings |
Syntax: |
-filterannounce |
Beschreibung: |
announces raw messages on the admin channel for filtered chat |
Syntax: |
-filtercallsigns |
Beschreibung: |
filter callsigns to disallow inappropriate user names |
Syntax: |
-filterchat |
Beschreibung: |
filter chat messages |
Syntax: |
-filtersimple |
Beschreibung: |
perform simple exact matches with the bad word list |
Syntax: |
-freezetag |
Beschreibung: |
collisions freeze the player who is farther from home base |
Syntax: |
-g |
Beschreibung: |
serve one game and then exit |
Syntax: |
-gndtex <texture name> |
Beschreibung: |
specify ground texture |
Syntax: |
-groupdb <group file> |
Beschreibung: |
file to read for group permissions |
Syntax: |
-h |
Beschreibung: |
use random building heights |
Syntax: |
-handicap |
Beschreibung: |
give advantage based on relative playing ability |
Syntax: |
-helpdir <dir> |
Beschreibung: |
add a helpmsg for every file in <dir> |
Syntax: |
-helpmsg <file> <name> |
Beschreibung: |
show the lines in <file> on command /help <name> |
Syntax: |
-i interface |
Beschreibung: |
listen on <interface> |
Syntax: |
-j |
Beschreibung: |
allow jumping |
Syntax: |
-jitterdrop <num> |
Beschreibung: |
drop player after this many jitter warnings |
Syntax: |
-jitterwarn <time/ms> |
Beschreibung: |
jitter warning threshhold time [ms] |
Syntax: |
-lagannounce <time/ms> |
Beschreibung: |
lag announcement threshhold time [ms] |
Syntax: |
-lagdrop <num> |
Beschreibung: |
drop player after this many lag warnings |
Syntax: |
-lagwarn <time/ms> |
Beschreibung: |
lag warning threshhold time [ms] |
Syntax: |
-loadplugin <pluginname,commandline> |
Beschreibung: |
load the specified plugin with the specified commandline string |
Syntax: |
-luabzfs <filepath> |
Beschreibung: |
path to the LuaBZFS entry source file |
Syntax: |
-luarules <dirpath> |
Beschreibung: |
path to the LuaRules sources directory |
Syntax: |
-luaserver <dirpath> |
Beschreibung: |
path to the LuaServer sources directory |
Syntax: |
-luaworld <dirpath> |
Beschreibung: |
path to the LuaWorld sources directory |
Syntax: |
-luaworldreq |
Beschreibung: |
LuaWorld script execution is required |
Syntax: |
-masterbanurl <URL> |
Beschreibung: |
URL to atempt to get the master ban list from <URL> |
Syntax: |
-maxidle <time/s> |
Beschreibung: |
idle kick threshhold [s] |
Syntax: |
-mp {<count>|[<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>]} |
Beschreibung: |
maximum players total or per team |
Syntax: |
-mps <score> |
Beschreibung: |
set player score limit on each game |
Syntax: |
-ms <shots> |
Beschreibung: |
maximum simultaneous shots per player |
Syntax: |
-mts <score> |
Beschreibung: |
set team score limit on each game |
Syntax: |
-nomasterbanlist |
Beschreibung: |
has public servers ignore the master ban list |
Syntax: |
-noradar |
Beschreibung: |
disallow the use of radar |
Syntax: |
-noteamkills |
Beschreibung: |
Players on the same team are immune to each other's shots. Rogue is excepted. |
Syntax: |
-offa |
Beschreibung: |
teamless free-for-all game stye |
Syntax: |
-p <port> |
Beschreibung: |
use alternative port (default=5154) |
Syntax: |
-packetlossdrop <num> |
Beschreibung: |
drop player after this many packetloss warnings |
Syntax: |
-packetlosswarn <%> |
Beschreibung: |
packetloss warning threshold [%] |
Syntax: |
-passdb <password file> |
Beschreibung: |
file to read for user passwords |
Syntax: |
-passwd <password> |
Beschreibung: |
specify a <password> for operator commands |
Syntax: |
-pidfile <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
write the process id into <filename> on startup |
Syntax: |
-poll <variable>=<value> |
Beschreibung: |
configure several aspects of the in-game polling system
- banTime: number of minutes player should be banned (default=300)
- vetoTime: max seconds authorized user has to abort poll (default=20)
- votePercentage: percentage of players required to affirm a poll (default=50.1%)
- voteRepeatTime: minimum seconds required before a player may request another vote (default=300)
- votesRequired: minimum number of additional votes required to make a vote valid (default=2)
- voteTime: maximum amount of time player has to vote, in seconds (default=60)
Syntax: |
-printscore |
Beschreibung: |
write score to stdout whenever it changes |
Syntax: |
-processor <processor-id> |
Beschreibung: |
set cpu affinity to a particular processor |
Syntax: |
-public <server-description> |
Beschreibung: |
<server-description> |
Syntax: |
-publicaddr <server-hostname>[:<server-port>] |
Beschreibung: |
<effective-server-port>] |
Syntax: |
-publickey <key> |
Beschreibung: |
<key> |
Syntax: |
-publiclist <list-server-url> |
Beschreibung: |
<list-server-url> |
Syntax: |
-publictitle <server-description> |
Beschreibung: |
<server-description> |
Syntax: |
-publicuser <username> <password> |
Beschreibung: |
<username> <password> |
Syntax: |
-q |
Beschreibung: |
don't listen for or respond to pings |
Syntax: |
+r |
Beschreibung: |
all shots ricochet |
Syntax: |
-rabbit [score|killer|random] |
Beschreibung: |
rabbit chase style |
Syntax: |
-recbuf <Mbytes> |
Beschreibung: |
start with a recording buffer of specified megabytes |
Syntax: |
-recbufonly |
Beschreibung: |
disable recording directly to files |
Syntax: |
-recdir <dirname> |
Beschreibung: |
specify the directory for recorded file |
Syntax: |
-replay |
Beschreibung: |
setup the server to replay a previously saved game |
Syntax: |
-reportfile <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
the file to store reports in |
Syntax: |
-reportpipe <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
the program to pipe reports through |
Syntax: |
-requireudp |
Beschreibung: |
require clients to use udp |
Syntax: |
+s <flag-count> |
Beschreibung: |
always have <num> super flags (default=16) |
Syntax: |
-s <flag-count> |
Beschreibung: |
allow up to <num> super flags (default=16) |
Syntax: |
-sa |
Beschreibung: |
insert antidote superflags |
Syntax: |
-sb |
Beschreibung: |
allow tanks to respawn on buildings |
Syntax: |
-set <name> <value> |
Beschreibung: |
set a BZDB variable's value |
Syntax: |
-setforced <name> <value> |
Beschreibung: |
set a BZDB variable's value (whether it exists or not) |
Syntax: |
-sl <id> <num> |
Beschreibung: |
limit flag <id> to <num> shots |
Syntax: |
-spamtime <time> |
Beschreibung: |
make <time> be the required time in seconds between messages sent that are alike |
Syntax: |
-spamwarn <warnAmt> |
Beschreibung: |
warn a spammer that sends messages before spamtime times out <warnAmt> many times |
Syntax: |
-spawnpolicy <policy> |
Beschreibung: |
specifies <policy> to use for spawning players |
Syntax: |
-speedtol <tolerance> |
Beschreibung: |
multiplier of normal speed for auto kick (default=1.25) should not be less than 1.0 |
Syntax: |
-srvmsg <text> |
Beschreibung: |
specify a <msg> to print upon client login |
Syntax: |
-st <time> |
Beschreibung: |
shake bad flags in <time> seconds |
Syntax: |
-sw <num> |
Beschreibung: |
shake bad flags after <num> wins |
Syntax: |
-synclocation |
Beschreibung: |
synchronize latitude and longitude on all clients |
Syntax: |
-synctime |
Beschreibung: |
synchronize time of day on all clients |
Syntax: |
-t |
Beschreibung: |
allow teleporters |
Syntax: |
-tftimeout <seconds> |
Beschreibung: |
set timeout for team flag zapping (default=30) |
Syntax: |
-time {<seconds>|endTime} |
Beschreibung: |
[mm:[ss]] format |
Syntax: |
-timemanual |
Beschreibung: |
countdown for timed games is started with /countdown |
Syntax: |
-tk |
Beschreibung: |
player does not die when killing a teammate |
Syntax: |
-tkannounce |
Beschreibung: |
announces team kills to the admin channel |
Syntax: |
-tkkr <percent> |
Beschreibung: |
team-kills-to-wins percentage (1-100) for kicking tk-ing players |
Syntax: |
-ts [micros] |
Beschreibung: |
timestamp all console output, [micros] to include microseconds |
Syntax: |
-upnp |
Beschreibung: |
enable UPnP |
Syntax: |
-userdb <user permissions file> |
Beschreibung: |
file to read for user access permissions |
Syntax: |
-utc |
Beschreibung: |
timestamp console output in UTC instead of local time, implies -ts |
Syntax: |
-vars <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
file to read for worlds configuration variables |
Syntax: |
-version |
Beschreibung: |
print version and exit |
Syntax: |
-world <filename> |
Beschreibung: |
world file to load |
Syntax: |
-worldsize <world size> |
Beschreibung: |
numeric value for the size of the world (default=400) |
Syntax: |
-ws <number of wall sides> |
Beschreibung: |
numeric value for the number off outer walls (default=4) |