First database update: 2006-10-27 17:10:03 UTC
Last database update: 1 min :o)
Global BZFlag Login

To avoid misuse of the login credentials of your global BZBB account, please use the following link that will redirect to the BZstats site after successful login.
login @BZBB
Below you can find a list of all available player permissions. Not all permissions might be available in the BZFlag version you are using.
The permission description is the same as the in-game description and is therefore available in English only.

Permission Name Description
ACTIONMESSAGE actionMessage ---
ADMINMESSAGERECEIVE adminMessageReceive ---
ADMINMESSAGES adminMessages ---
ADMINMESSAGESEND adminMessageSend ---
ANTIBAN antiban ---
ANTIDEREGISTER antideregister ---
ANTIKICK antikick ---
ANTIKILL antikill ---
ANTIPOLL antipoll ---
ANTIPOLLBAN antipollban ---
ANTIPOLLKICK antipollkick ---
ANTIPOLLKILL antipollkill ---
BAN ban ---
BANLIST banlist ---
CAPTURE capture ---
CLIENTQUERY clientQuery ---
COUNTDOWN countdown ---
DATE date ---
ENDGAME endGame ---
FLAGHISTORY flagHistory ---
FLAGMASTER flagMaster ---
FLAGMOD flagMod ---
HIDEADMIN hideAdmin ---
IDLESTATS idleStats ---
INFO info ---
JITTERWARN jitterwarn ---
KICK kick ---
KILL kill ---
LAGSTATS lagStats ---
LAGWARN lagwarn ---
LISTPERMS listPerms ---
LISTPLUGINS listPlugins ---
LONGBAN longBan ---
LUASERVER luaServer ---
MASTERBAN masterban ---
MODCOUNT modCount ---
MUTE mute ---
PACKETLOSSWARN packetlosswarn ---
PLAYERLIST playerList ---
PLUGINS plugins ---
POLL poll ---
POLLBAN pollBan ---
POLLFLAGRESET pollFlagReset ---
POLLKICK pollKick ---
POLLKILL pollKill ---
POLLSET pollSet ---
PRIVATEMESSAGE privateMessage ---
RECORD record ---
REJOIN rejoin ---
REMOVEPERMS removePerms ---
REPLAY replay ---
REPORT report ---
REQUIREIDENTIFY requireIdentify ---
SAY say ---
SENDHELP sendHelp ---
SETALL setAll ---
SETPASSWORD setPassword ---
SETPERMS setPerms ---
SETVAR setVar ---
SHORTBAN shortBan ---
SHOWADMIN showAdmin ---
SHOWEMAILTITS showEmailTits ---
SHOWMOTTO showMotto ---
SHOWOTHERS showOthers ---
SHUTDOWNSERVER shutdownServer ---
SPAWN spawn ---
SUPERKILL superKill ---
TALK talk ---
UNBAN unban ---
UNMUTE unmute ---
VETO veto ---
VIEWREPORTS viewReports ---
VOTE vote ---
load time: 0.0911 sec