First database update: 2006-10-27 17:10:03 UTC
Last database update: 1 min :o)
Global BZFlag Login

To avoid misuse of the BZBB weblogin service directly forwarded login requests have been forbidden on the part of BZFLAG.ORG. Therefore you now have to use...
login for paranoiacs
Name Leagues United
Description The leagues Ducati and GamesUnited merged into Leagues United with babel, duc, hix, pillbox maps.
IRC contact Libera.Chat ##leaguesunited
Mnemonic on this site LU
Number of players (online) 6 of 738
Number of teams (online) 3 of 50
Number of teamless players (online) 3 of 516
Number of match servers (online) 14 of 14
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